Independent Study
If trips are unavoidable, you may enter into a Short-Term Independent Study (SIS) for a minimum of three days and up to 14 days in a given school year.
LLESD staff is focused on in-person instruction, and independent study takes a great deal of extra time for staff.
- Independent study is not intended to replicate the rigor of classroom instruction or the social interactions between peers and teachers. There is no substitute for in-person instruction.
- You must request Independent study at least two weeks in advance.
- The student must complete the independent study work and turn it in to their teacher for the absence to be excused.
The purpose of a Short-Term Independent Study is to provide some level of grade-level equivalent work and consider your child present for the duration of the independent study.
If your child is gone for more than 14 days without Short-Term Independent Study, you may be disenrolled from the school and will need to be re-enrolled when you return from vacation.
We urge you to prioritize your child's attendance and plan vacations and trips during calendar breaks.