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Las Lomitas Elementary School District

Inclusive, Engaging, Inspiring
Link to Documents Date Info Provided Info Requested
10/6/2024   N/A (requester pulled request on 11/14/24) LLESD travel expense reports and receipts from 11/2023 to present
10/6/2024 Link, Link   All expenses related to Mossflower think-tank trip
10/9/2024 Link Link Link 10/21/24
2021-2024 credit card statements; Polito's vacation days, how many may be paid out, how much is pay out
10/9/2024 Link, Link, Link 11/6/24 Salaries of all employees; salary schedule of all employees including stipends
10/9/2024 exempt from PRA 10/21/24
no records to produce
Communication between Beth and the board re strike resolution
10/10/2024 no documents match this request 10/11/24
no records to produce
Facilities Use Agreement (FUA) between County and LLESD re Alpine Road meeting
10/12/2024 Link 10/17/24
no records to produce
Any complaints filed against Dr. Polito
10/14/2024 exempt from PRA N/A
no records to produce
Communicatons between attorney Warren Metlitsky and LLESD/LLESD counsel*
10/14/2024 Link 10/24/24 Student-enrollment forecasts, reports, LLESD boundaries, contracts re: same
10/18/2024 Link 10/28/24
1) All emails, including all attachments, sent and received by Superintendent Dr. Beth Polito from Oct 1-18, 2024
2) All emails, including all attachments, sent and received by Board President Heather Hopkins from Oct 1-18, 2024.
10/18/2024 Link 10/28/24 Monthly credit card statements for each credit card reimbursed by Las Lomitas going back to 2022.
10/28/2024 Link 11/7/24 Beth Polito's contracts over the years
10/28/2024 Link 11/7/24 1. Expenditures + names/positions of individuals on school training and conferences below. Include budget, breakdowns of transportation fares, hotel, registration fees, food, baggage etc.
Moss Flower Training (NY), Courageous Conversations (Chicago), Achievement Team Certification Training (Paso Robles), Mathodology-Singapore Math Training (Hawaii)

2. Any reimbursements to Beth Polito since 2022.
10/29/2024 Link 11/8/2024 Receipts for three credit card transactions: 12-13, REI*GREENWOODHEINEMANN 800-225-5800 NH, 252.66; 02-19, FOUR SEASONS EMBRCDERO SAN FRANCISCO CA, 390.17; 03-12, FOUR SEASONS EMBRCDERO SAN FRANCISCO CA, 243.09.
11/1/2024 Link 12/6/24 Itemized receipts for all food and hotel stays in all credit cards and statements back 7 years (from 2017-18)
11/4/2024 Link 11/14/24 (CC statements will be provided by 12/20) (1) Itemized receipts for the Dream Inn (2022)
(2) Folios for all of Beth Polito's hotel stays since August 2019.
(3) Itemized receipts for Beth Polito's air travel since August 2019.
(4) District credit card statements going back to August 2019.
(5) All itemized receipts for all of Beth Polito's meals since August 2019.
(6) Detailed accounting of expenses comprising the "other employee benefits"
(7) Beth Polito's benefits received since employment
11/4/2024 Link Link 11/14/24
(1) All emails to/from Paige Winikoff and Jennifer Montalvo, Tara Berta,, Leah Wachtel (in October 2024), and Beth Polito (September through present).

(2) Any emails to/from Paige Winikoff and Rosemary Mayer Hintz, Greg Hintz, Susanna Chenette and Ann Cullen from August 2023 through July 2024.
11/5/2024 Link Link Link 11/15/24 (CC statements) (1) Itemized PG&E Statements for the last four years; and
(2) The latest credit card statements for all District credit cards.
11/5/2024 Link 11/18/24 (1) Itemized Uber receipts for all employees from 2022-present.
(2) Itemized Uber receipts for Beth Polito from March 2024.
11/6/2024 Link 11/18/2024 (letter dated 11/24/24) (1) Details showing Polito's used and unused vacation days in each of school years 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22, 2022/23, and 2023/24.
(2) Details showing Polito's pay-outs for unused vacation days in each of school years 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22, 2022/23, and 2023/24.
11/6/2024 no documents match this request 11/20/24 (no records to produce) Any written authorization from Jason Morimoto and/or Heather Hopkins for Polito’s spending over $500/month.
11/6/2024 Link 11/20/24 (1) The names of board members/administrators that attended the Dream Inn retreat (August 2022)
(2) The names of board members/administrators that attended a retreat at Costanoa and Bodega Bay
(3) A detailed accounting of the costs associated with these board events + the schedule of events that board members attended
11/8/2024 Link 11/18/24 Invoice for/location of the trimmed trees near Woodland
11/12/2024 Link Link Link Link Link 11/22/24 The documents provided to Transparent California in the last 5 years
11/18/2024 Link 11/18/24 Annual payments from PBS and Woodland School to LLESD
11/10/2024 Link rolling basis Credit card receipts for 158 specific transactions
11/14/2024 Link 11/25/24 (1) Documentation relating to all district-funded trips for superintendent
(2) Documentation relating to all board retreats that were not held at district facilities since 2022
(3) All expenses/attendees for Dream Inn during Summer/Fall 2022
(4) Ledger of travel/conference expenses from 2022-24
11/22/2024 Link 12/2/24 (initial response w/ request for more details) 1) All emails/attachments sent/received by Beth Polito from 10/19-11/21
2) All emails/attachments sent/received by Heather Hopkins from 10/19-11/21
12/14/2024 Link 12/23/24 “all claims filed with the Las Lomitas School District between 6/1-24-12/3/24. Please let me know if any of them have been dropped during that same period.”
1/24/2025 Link Link 2/3/2025 1) Administrator compensation
2) Private school tuition and pull-out instruction
2/21/2025 Link 3/3/2025 Contracts for outside consultants to include ongoing contracts within special education