Professional Development
museum of tolerance
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museum of tolerance
The Museum of Tolerance supports schools in advancing anti-bias education, inclusion, and equity and is proud to be named a partner in the California Department of Education’s new “Education to End Hate” initiative. The MOT’s unique content features lessons from the Holocaust and dynamic exhibits on contemporary human rights struggles and confronting hate and discrimination in the US today. Featuring live virtual tours, expert speakers, personal testimonies, video story-telling, and hands-on lesson plans and resources, sessions create space for dialogue and community.
The Museum of Tolerance aligns with our strategic vision and our work in diversity, equity, inclusion, access, and belonging. This entire program, including the process of planning and delivery, transportation, and accommodations, is FREE- thanks to a grant from the State of California -to educators serving k-12 schools in CA (including teachers, administrators, support staff, etc.)
courageous conversation
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courageous conversation
LLESD is committed to diversity, equity, inclusion, access, and belonging for all students, staff, and families. We participate in the professional development in Courageous Conversations for the purpose of developing and accelerating the district’s capacity to engage in systemic equity transformation and eliminate racial disparities.
This professional development offering is included in the board approved 2023 -2024 LCAP Goal I, Action 1.2a: As per the Equity Audit (EA), ensure that all aspects of equity and cultural competence, including race, ethnicity, LGBTQ+, and other identities, are addressed during professional learning. This also meets Goal 1 of our Strategic Plan.
restorative practices
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restorative practices
Why Restorative Practices?
At LLESD, we want every student to feel included, engaged, and inspired. It is important that every member of our LLESD school community feels part of a caring school community. Relationships are central to building community, and based on data on referrals and student feedback, we decided to implement Restorative Practices to help build stronger relationships so everyone in the school community feels seen, heard, and valued.
Restorative Practices are not used in place of discipline or consequences. Discipline and consequences are still utilized as we must abide by the Education Code. Still, restorative practices assist in repairing any relationship that a behavior issue may have impacted. Restorative Practices are about changing behaviors and setting students up for long-term success.
Benefits of Restorative Practices:
- It builds systems that address misbehavior and harm in a way that strengthens relationships.
- It focused on the harm done rather than the rule-breaking.
- It gives voice to the person harmed.
- It engages in collaborative problem-solving.
- It empowers change and growth.
- It enhances responsibility.
Here is a link to a 15-minute informational video on Restorative Practices.