Our Board
The Las Lomitas Elementary School District (LLESD) Governing Board has five elected members, each serving a four-year term. Elections are held in even-numbered years, and terms are staggered with either two or three seats open each election. Individuals interested in serving a term in office file for candidacy through the San Mateo County Elections Office.
You can email all five trustees at schoolboard@llesd.org in your preferred language.
Responsibilities of the school board:
- Set the district’s strategic vision, which helps ensure that there is always a true-north, multi-year roadmap for the district
- Oversee the budget and ensure that the district spends community taxpayer dollars responsibly
- Focus on governance (the “what” of the district) while deferring to staff for the day-to-day operations (the “how”)
- Manage the superintendent, including her goals
- Advocate for public education on behalf of students
Communications among trustees:
School board members are subject to the Brown Act, which prevents a majority of board members from discussing, deliberating, or taking action on items outside of school board meetings. Put simply, the board as a whole cannot discuss board action items outside of public board meetings.
Communicating with the Board:
Community members are encouraged to provide feedback and input to the board. You can email all five trustees at schoolboard@llesd.org. You can also make a public comment during school board meetings. Please note that by law, the board is not permitted to respond to public comments during meetings if they are not related to an agenda item (since the public was not duly notified that these items would be discussed at the board meeting).
Board Members
Board Members
Board Members
Paige Winikoff, Board PresidentTerm expires December 2026
pwinikoff@llesd.org Committees: Collective Bargaining (CSEA), Policy, Communications |
Kimberly Legg, Board ClerkTerm expires December 2028
klegg@llesd.org Committees: Facilities, Community Advisory (Formerly JCOP), Communications, District Equity Team
Heather Hopkins, Board MemberTerm expires December 2026hhopkins@llesd.org Committees: Policy, Community Advisory (Formerly JCOP), District Equity Team, Education Foundaiton |
Gautam Nadella, Board MemberTerm expires December 2026 gnadella@llesd.org Committees: Collective Bargaining (LLEA), Finance |
Jason Morimoto, Board MemberTerm Expires December 2028jmorimoto@llesd.org Committees: Finance, Facilities, Education Foundation, San Mateo County Committee for School District Organization |
Email the Board
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