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Collective Bargaining



December 15, 2022
The two bargaining subcommittees met for a second workday to dig into teacher evaluation and health benefits on Wednesday, December 14, 2022.
The subcommittees, made up of teachers and district management, continued best practice research, reviewed teacher survey feedback, and started to craft recommendations to bring to the full bargaining team in January.
This work has been thoughtful, exciting, and collaborative.

October 31, 2022
The LLEA and District bargaining teams were joined by additional teachers to meet in subcommittees on October 26, 2022. The evaluation and health and welfare benefits subcommittees met to conduct research into best practices and craft a survey that will be administered to members in early November. The subcommittees will meet again for a full-day work session on November 16, 2022.


October 11, 2022

At the October 5, 2022 board meeting, a joint sunshine statement of intent to bargain was brought before the board from LLESD and LLEA. The “sunshine statement” lets the public know the district’s intent to bargain particular parts of the teacher contract. It was approved by the board and negotiations officially begin on November 11, 2022.
Once the process is complete, a Tentative Agreement will be brought back to the board and membership for approval.